If Marvel is back on the table, why not Alien? Why not all of these incredible beat'em ups!?
Read MoreVideo Game Collectors on Call (with DoctorGamerRetro)
Another game collector, here to talk about games and game collecting? Count me in!
Read MoreA World of Games: Marble Man: Marble Madness II
Yet another unreleased game shows up at California Extreme, and I had no idea when I was first playing it
Read MoreRPGaymer Podcast: The Game Boy Advance (feat. KBash) Part 2
Part 2 of the GBA Podcast is out now! Listen in for our final comments on the little handheld that could, as well as one of the funniest games we've...
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Beat’em Ups Capcom Needs to Include in the Next Beat’em Up Bundle
If Marvel is back on the table, why not Alien? Why not all of these incredible beat'em ups!?
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Video Game Collectors on Call (with DoctorGamerRetro)
Another game collector, here to talk about games and game collecting? Count me in!
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A World of Games: Marble Man: Marble Madness II
Yet another unreleased game shows up at California Extreme, and I had no idea when I was first playing it
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RPGaymer Podcast: The Game Boy Advance (feat. KBash) Part 2
Part 2 of the GBA Podcast is out now! Listen in for our final comments on the little handheld that could, as well as one of the funniest games we've...
Read MoreI'm a game collector living in Silicon Valley, who loves coffee, pizza, & giving back to the gaming community.

Hey there, I’m Jason. Welcome to DownStab, where I share gaming news, insights, and reviews as I delve into my collection of 4000+ games! I have a penchant for retro games so expect to those here as well as random ones you’ve likely never heard about.
If you’d like to see me on other platforms, you can find me on my Instagram and streaming with RPGaymer on Twitch.
Collection Showcase
An inside look into my game collection via my Instagram.
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What would you like to know?

My brothers got me into it! When I was younger we had an NES. I remember having to share with them and playing games like Bubble Bobble or Super Mario Bros. 3. On Sunday mornings though, I’d get up early and play before they woke up. Mega Man III, TMNT, and Dragon Warrior were my earliest games!
Mostly I browse Facebook Marketplace and Craiglist online. When it comes to local stores GameStops are the most accessible but I’ll make a trip to some local game stores in the area. I’m always on the lookout for retro games.
It has been a passion of mine for a long time. Growing up I would make some money and sometimes buy games. I realized I could get more games if I bought older, used games. Fast forward decades and huzzah, game collector! Also, it’s nostalgic fun to go back and play those older games I couldn’t get too years back.
It’s from Legend of Zelda. Specifically, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. One of the special unlockable upgrades is a downward sword thrust called Downthrust. The move also technically appears in the Super Smash Bros. series as Link’s aerial Down-A attack. A bit of inside joking among my friends about the move, and the name Downstab was born and stuck ever since!
Thanks! My wife is a product designer with some WordPress skills. She appreciates you noticing. You can follow her Instagram for more @acuppacreativitea
Yes! I am such a huge coffee fan and would forever appreciate it. Here is my Ko-fi Page