Press Start to Continue — Again

Recent life events have taken me away from this blog, and that is unfortunate. Moving to a new home, family vacations and visits, starting a new job, and reevaluating my commitments to this, that, and the other has lead to a lot less writing and a lot less game playing. But as the dust settles and things fall into place, I find myself missing this outlet. Being creative and speaking about games in not only an outlet for expression, but also a documentation of the times. Looking back at all things DownStab, I not only see the past games I’ve loved and loathed, but also the times I’ve spent with friends and the eras of my life.

And that’s where we are now; we’re stepping into the new era for Jason and for DownStab. And I am happy you are here with me!

So what is happening here? Well for starters, we’ll still be talking about video games. The core of DownStab has always been video games, game collecting, retro gaming, and in general giving back to the community I grew up loving. You’ll still get plenty of that in written form. However, a new venture I’m looking to explore is this new-fangled video content all the cool kids are producing nowadays. I have plans for a series of YouTube shorts for those that don’t have a lot of time. I’m also cooking up more streaming of old games on a semi-regular basis, because just playing games and discovering something fun real time is an absolute blast. And lastly something I’ve always had as a pie-in-the-sky dream would be to make some video reviews for things I’m concurrently writing. If you’re thinking what that might be, check out the video review for Ender Magnolia – I’m hoping to do more video pieces to accompany written ones. I think that’s a safe place to start.

For fans of the RPGaymer Podcast, that will still be happening, albeit with less interaction from me. Patrick and crew will be jumping into season 5 (holy cow!) with all new guests, topics, and listener interaction, but I will be playing a much lighter role for the crew. Due to some life changes and thinking like an adult for commitments on what RPGaymer needs and deserves in order to grow, I unfortunately am not able to dedicate enough time to continue working in the same capacity I once was. I still fully expect to help here and there where I can, but that will likely mean only a podcast or two per season and unlikely much beyond that. BUT! RPGaymer will continue on, and you can find all of their amazing antics on Spotify, Apple Music, or even on their Discord!

I think that addresses the past few months. As the sizzle of summer simmers down I am ready to write. I am ready to create. I am ready to DownStab.

And I am happy you all are here with me!


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DownStab has been a personal endeavor of mine for many years. Please enjoy the content and let me know if you have questions, comments, or just want to connect. And as always, game on.

– Jason J

Original blue and red Nintendo Switch controllers
Game Boy  •  Game Boy Advance  •  Game Cube  •  Nintendo DS  •  Nintendo 3DS  •  Switch  •  Virtual Boy  •  Wii  •  Wii U

Arcade  •  Article  •  Collecting  •  iOS  •  PC  •  Retro

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