Treasure has the right idea: rereleasing critically-acclaimed and hard-to-find classic games for a new generation of gamers with updated HD visuals and a much friendlier price tag. Last month saw the release of side-scrolling shooter classic Radiant Silvergun, and Treasure once again delivers sweet nostalgia in the form of Guardian Heroes. A beat ‘em up in the same vein as Double Dragon or Final Fight, Guardian Heroes first met praise on the Sega Saturn for its satisfying action and multiple branching paths. Fifteen years after its initial release, Guardian Heroes still retains some of that charm although the shine is starting to tarnish.
I’ve always wanted to play this game, but being that it was only for the Sega Saturn I was never able to get my hands on it. I’m glad they brought this game back for a whole new generation of gamers to enjoy. Check my gameplay vids to see the game in action.
Full review is over at’s Inside Gaming blog. Read my thoughts there please!
