RPGaymer Podcast: Guilty Pleasure Games

Have you ever been mildly ashamed to admit certain games that you’ve played and secretly loved? Yeah, we all have plenty, which is why this week we’re talking about GUILTY PLEASURE GAMES! Cozy up in your favorite PJs and a sleeping bag on your hardest floor cause this episode is a slumber party where Patrick & Jason spill their secrets with reckless abandon.

Listen to Season 2 Episode 4 on Spotify here

Listen to Season 2 Episode 4 on Apple Podcasts here

Listen to Season 2 Episode 4 on YouTube here

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You can follow more of Patrick and my adventures on RPGaymer just about everywhere!

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Instagram: @heyrpgaymer
Twitter: @heyrpgaymer
YouTube: RPGaymer
Twitch: @heyrpgaymer
Patreon: RPGaymer


DownStab has been a personal endeavor of mine for many years. Please enjoy the content and let me know if you have questions, comments, or just want to connect. And as always, game on.

– Jason J

Original blue and red Nintendo Switch controllers
Game Boy  •  Game Boy Advance  •  Game Cube  •  Nintendo DS  •  Nintendo 3DS  •  Switch  •  Virtual Boy  •  Wii  •  Wii U

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