PlayStation 4
Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age has perhaps the greatest subtitle ever. A triple entendre any series fans will enjoy.
With so many amazing games, it was inevitable there would be a few that slipped through the cracks.
After seven years, It's time to see which games left the biggest impact from Sony's PlayStation 4.
It looks like Castlevania. It plays like Castlevania. It sounds like Castlevnia. It must be Castlevania!
Boy, did these zombies pick on the wrong girls
It's like Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, but actually good!
It had been over 8 years since our last game in the Contra series. Perhaps we should have waited longer...
Whether it is a horde of zombies or a swarm of rats, getting a group of friends together to take them down is a blast.
It's the most basic arcade premise: Shoot aliens. But now on the PlayStation 4!
DownStab has been a personal endeavor of mine for many years. Please enjoy the content and let me know if you have questions, comments, or just want to connect. And as always, game on.
– Jason J

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