A to Z
Remember that time a rap group from the 90s was in a fighting game based off a similar cancelled fighting game? The 90s were great...
It's 1-on-1 gang warfare in Vs., the 3D fighting game no one remembers from the late 90s!
So this is a game. It's not a good game but I suppose it's a game...
Does anyone remember The Unholy War? Because I remember the Unholy War...
You better believe there's another game in the Parappa the Rapper series on the Playstation!!
What games are in your top 10? It's a difficult question, but I think I have at least one definitive answer.
Did you ever imagine "What if Wall-E, but instead of garbage, War?"
Well do I have the game for you!
It's the second game in the series called Strider 2, and it's overall the 5th game in the Strider franchise. it's also an fun PS1 port!
Among the pantheon of PS1 Tactical RPGs, Saiyuki isn't anywhere to be found. I wonder why that is.
DownStab has been a personal endeavor of mine for many years. Please enjoy the content and let me know if you have questions, comments, or just want to connect. And as always, game on.
– Jason J

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