Whether you're team open world, or team linear, we're all team video game. But which style of game is the right one for you?
What's that Podcast?
It's (finally) the RPGaymer episode about Pokemon!
The best video games have the best characters, and here's what we think goes into making them so memorable
They say the weapon maketh the RPG. Let's see if that's true
Sometimes you just want to play a game because you just want to play a game. This is an episode about the games you personally love: be they terrible, great, or somewhere in between!
Trophies and achievements are big motivators to play a game in a different way, but they aren't for everyone.
The latest episode of the RPGaymer podcast focuses on the highs and lows (but mostly highs) of the Legend of Zelda series!
Season 2 is up and ready for your listening pleasure! On our first episode we discuss the game's that got better the second (or third (or fifth)) time around.
DownStab has been a personal endeavor of mine for many years. Please enjoy the content and let me know if you have questions, comments, or just want to connect. And as always, game on.
– Jason J

Game Boy • Game Boy Advance • Game Cube • Nintendo DS • Nintendo 3DS • Switch • Virtual Boy • Wii • Wii U