Someone somewhere thought Qbert wasn't hard enough, but then cranked up the difficulty to 11 and the video game market crashed...
Hot Take: games were simpler in concept 30 years ago, and were just as fun as games nowadays.
It wasn't the game I was expecting it to be, but it was a fun one nonetheless
A co-op shoot fest with late 80s appeal and nostalgia? I'd buy that for a dollar
Some things are best left to nostalgia. These are some games I'd really like not to be.
Would you rather fly a World War II era fighter plane to defeat waves of enemies, or a DRAGON!?
You've heard of the X-Men arcade game by Konami. You've heard of the Simpsons arcade game by Konami. But have you heard of this tie-in cartoon beat'em up?
DownStab has been a personal endeavor of mine for many years. Please enjoy the content and let me know if you have questions, comments, or just want to connect. And as always, game on.
– Jason J
Game Boy • Game Boy Advance • Game Cube • Nintendo DS • Nintendo 3DS • Switch • Virtual Boy • Wii • Wii U