galloping ghost
Who would you call if some baseball artifacts were stolen? The police? What are you thinking? Call the commissioner of Baseball and the Ninja Baseball Bat Men, of course!
What's Arch Rivals? Well, it's kind of like Smash TV, NBA Jam, and Mortal Kombat all rolled into one... but also nothing like those games...
You can kind of think of this game as a re-imagining of Space Invaders. The story is the same at least.
For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.
I imagine this game was wild when it first released. It's arguably kind of wild still to this day.
Bad guys should feel lucky Frank Castle and Nick Fury are trapped in arcade prison.
With names like Gilius Thunderhead, Ax Battler, and Tyris Flare how can we lose?
DownStab has been a personal endeavor of mine for many years. Please enjoy the content and let me know if you have questions, comments, or just want to connect. And as always, game on.
– Jason J
Game Boy • Game Boy Advance • Game Cube • Nintendo DS • Nintendo 3DS • Switch • Virtual Boy • Wii • Wii U